KOE / QUEER - Manaakitanga is one of the biggest mātāpono or principles we have in Te Ao Māori, we must treat everyone with kindness and respect.
In the last few weeks our Queer whānau and friends have been hit with utter disrespect and hatred by some of our own People who use christianity (a tool of colonisation) to fool followers to think that this type of behaviour towards our hapori aniwaniwa or Queer community is okay ........ It's not okay. Kati tenei mahi kuare .
The koe Design like the IA tee is our way of Tautoko to our friends and whānau and all Tangata aniwaniwa , we appreciate you all.
Koe - means you in māori, and pronouced "kinda" like queer hence the design . Remember this design is for everyone - ko au ko koe , ko koe ko au . "we are one"
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