Waītā connects to the moana or ocean and represents kai gathered from the sea. Waitā also controls the tides and is the protector of Ocean creatures . Waitī is connected to fresh water and the creatures that live within streams lakes and rives , Both Waīti and Waitā have another connection as they are said to be fraternal Twins - IN this collection we look to tell this story also with our models who are twins and who both have a deep connection and whakapapa to their awa (Whanganui) and the moana .
Te Ao Marama "cody" îs the representation of Waitā and the Twin to Te Aroha (Caitlin) his connection to the moana makes him the perfect Model and person to tell this story as he has a deep honohono ki Te moana where gathering kai for his whānau is one of his pūkenga , diving for paua kina and koura is how Te ao Marama provides for his whānau.
tāne wearing large Tee
wahine - small
Pānui - To give your kākahu a long life please line-dry after washing, as most driers are too agitating to the inks and can cause distress. Aroha nui!
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